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uPVC Windows in Grimsby & Cleethorpes

When choosing any of our windows you’ll be benefiting from a range of advanced design features built in as standard. Our windows use the latest in technology in today’s market offered by the Liniar suit of profiles from HL Plastics, which are manufactured to the highest quality standard and is at the forefront of product development, innovation and hardware design.

These windows are extremely durable and reliable, with a simple yet effective design that will give you peace of mind that your property is safe and secure. The inclusion of energy efficient double glazing technology means that item not only looks great, but also provides insulation to help you reduce energy costs. With various styles and sizes available, our selection of uPVC windows is sure to have an option suitable for every property.

Discover the durability and reliability of our windows in Grimsby and Cleethorpes. Their simple yet effective design offers peace of mind, ensuring the safety and security of your property. Incorporating energy-efficient double glazing technology, these windows not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also provide insulation, contributing to reduced energy costs. Choose from a range of styles and sizes within our selection of uPVC windows, ensuring there’s an option suitable for every property in Grimsby and Cleethorpes.

uPVC Window Styles

Casement Windows

Casement Windows

Casement windows are designed to open outward like a door, attached to the frame by one or more hinges. This design provides increased ventilation and a wider view compared to traditional windows, making them a popular choice for homes.

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French Casement Windows

French Casement Windows

French casement windows are a beautiful and elegant type of window that bring a touch of continental charm to your home. These windows feature a dual sash opening that allows for improved views, increased ventilation, and better standards of practicality.

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Flush Sash Windows

Flush Sash Windows

Flush sash windows take inspiration from traditional timber joinery, allowing the sash to sit flush within the frame. This design creates a sleek and modern look, while also providing improved security and weather resistance.

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Sliding Sash Windows

Sliding Sash Windows

These windows feature a sliding mechanism that allows the sashes to open and close vertically, providing improved ventilation and ease of use. The design is characterised by their slender frames, elegant proportions and can be enhanced by decorative details, such as sash horns or Georgian bars.

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Sash Horn Windows

Sash Horn Windows

Sash horn windows are a type of double glazed window that feature an ornamental "sash horn" design at the top. This design gives the window a classic and traditional look, while also providing improved strength and stability to the sash.

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Tilt & Turn Windows

Tilt & Turn Windows

Tilt and turn windows are a versatile type of window that offer two different modes of operation: tilting the top portion inwards or turning the entire sash. This design provides increased ventilation and ease of maintenance, as the window can be cleaned from inside.

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